Speakers include Holly Wilcox, Karen Webber, & Peter Kannam; Beth Marshall, Moderator
watchSpeakers include: Aaron Parsons, Laurie DeBettencourt, Cheryl Holcomb; Alan Regenberg, Moderator
watchSpeakers include Raymond Ankrum, Brittany Feijoo, and Lieny Jeon; Ruth Faden, Moderator
watchSpeakers include Khechara Bradford, Deputy Superintendent, Providence, RI Schools; Amelia Brown, Associate Superintendent, School District of Philadelphia; Cami Anderson, CEO Thirdway Solutions and fmr Superintendent, Newark Public Schools; Sara Johnson, Moderator
watchSpeakers include Odis Johnson, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor; Adrienne Dixon, Professor of Education Policy, University of Illinois; Shayna Terrell, Director of Pipeline Programming, the Center for Black Educator Development; Chris Morphew, Moderator
WatchSpeakers include Katherine Anne Connor, MD, MPH; Danielle Dooley, MD; Nancy A. Lever, PhD.
WatchSpeakers include Laurie deBettencourt, PhD; Tamara Marder, PhD, BCBA-D; Linda Carling, EdD
WatchSpeakers include Annette Anderson, PhD; Veronique Gugliucciello, MS; Angela McIver, PhD
WatchParent choice and school re-openings. Speakers include Joyce Epstein, PhD; Anita Cicero, JD; and Christopher Swason, EdD
WatchTeacher choice and school re-openings. Speakers include Mary-Ellen Beaty-O'Ferrall, PhD; Eric Rice, PhD; and Tara Kirk Sell, PhD, MA.
WatchUnderstanding which students lost the most. Speakers include Peter Kannam, M.Ed., Yolanda Abel, Ed.D., and Bob Balfanz, Ph.D.